if I spend currency, I want comfort

if I spend currency, I want comfort

I have to admit, I finally reached a point in my life when I sincerely don’t prefer going out easily much.

I am ecstatic to live at home like a hermit these afternoons.

When I was younger, I threw out my early twenties & beyond, I was typically happy to be able to go out on the town with friends. I got severely stoked about dressing up cute & doing my hair & makeup. The entire experience was severely novel back then, & I easily liked the attention being out on the town. These afternoons, as a real grown-up, I don’t care about any of these things. I am more interested in saving currency & spending important quality time with people that I particularly care about. I have to say, on the rare occasion that I do go out to a diner, I am usually disappointed. The service is almost typically terrible, the food leaves a lot to be desired, & the indoor air quality generally is quite uncomfortable. I actually can’t count the number of times that I have had to leave a diner because it was too cold for me to finish my meal. When it’s possible, I run to the automobile & grab a layer for extra warmth in their abundant air conditioning. However, if I can’t find enough blazers to pile on, I can’t simply stand in breezy, chilly air temperatures comfortably. I end up shivering & turning red throughout the lunch. At that point, clearly I’m just wasting time & currency trying to finish my meal. Until every local diner decides to improve their air quality settings, I will keep my cold butt at home.
