anxious family can't stop ruining my stuff

anxious family can't stop ruining my stuff

Often times when I try to discuss families with other people I get very sad.

  • To me, it seems like other folks have much better humans in their lives than I ever had.

A lot of my best friends talk about thoroughly enjoying the time that they spend with their families each year, going to their parents for advice when they have incredible issues, and even having supportive ears when they need a financial hand. Personally, I don’t know what any of that feels like. My family isn’t so great. In fact, if I try to discuss my issues with them, somehow they only make things seem worse. They might be more anxious and neurotic than I am, even. They can’t resist poking at every detail in my life, and that’s true even when they’re at my house assaulting my appliances. In fact, every time they come down to visit me in the south, they spend the whole trip freaking out about how hot and humid it is outside. I don’t know how this is news, I live in the south where it’s hot and humid. You would think that they would get used to it and stop freaking out about the climate for the week or two that they come to see me. But no, they are obsessed with checking the news and repeating the weather. They continually try to rectify the heat with controlling the indoor climate. They’re always touching my thermostat, altering my temperature control program and beating on my poor air conditioning system. Almost every time they come to visit, I have expensive repairs to make in the wake of their anxious attacks.

gas heater