I didn't think it was so hard living alone

I didn't think it was so hard living alone

As an adult, I can attest that there is nothing more challenging than going home and living with your parents.

This proposal only grow stronger the older that you get.

I swear, if you’re an adult living at home with your mother and father, then you have no doubt how uncomfortable it can be. At least, that has been my ongoing experience throughout these past several years. First of all, I moved out promptly at age 18 and I definitely didn’t expect that I would ever be back to my family home. Unfortunately, my circumstances have been difficult. I had to go back and live with my mom, and it turns out that all of the things I hated as a teenager have not changed. She is wildly anxious, unpredictable, and neurotic when it comes to her indoor heating, cooling, and ventilation system. I remember my childhood being extremely uncomfortable in the most brutal seasons, because she literally never wanted to operate to be central furnace or air conditioning system. She insisted that it was too costly and energy-inefficient to operate an HVAC system day after day in the summer or winter. Unfortunately, she lives in a place where that isn’t exactly negotiable. Today, everything is exactly the same. I’m freezing or burning hot, depending on the climate outdoors. The HVAC system is never on, and I’m never comfortable in my own home. I can’t ask her to change the thermostat, because it’s her house and her energy bill – just like 15 years ago. I wish parent-child relationships developed as quickly as my age has!

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