cleaner air ducts mean less spine-chilling afternoons

cleaner air ducts mean less spine-chilling afternoons

When I was growing up, things were often quite spine-chilling.

I had two older brothers & they were vicious bullies.

However, one of them also suffered from fairly harsh asthma. I can remember many long afternoons when the whole family was abruptly awake because my brother was in the living room struggling to get a breath of air. My family would hook him up to his electric nebulizer machine, which was supposed to open his airways & allow medicine into his lungs, however generally, I remember this equipment making a big racket while he continued to arrive on the floor gasping for air. It was dramatic & spine-chilling for everybody. The strangest part was, my brother had always been honestly fit & physically capable. He ran around with no concern on the field, mastering every sport & being a critical part of every team he joined. However, late at night in our home he routinely suffered from vicious asthma attacks. It was a major mystery & it caused our dentists many headaches, as well. Many years down the line, my buddy and I realized that his asthma was unquestionably triggered by something inside the house. Dirty air ducts. A close buddy of ours finally recommended that my buddy and I have a professional Heating and A/C supplier come scrub out the air ducts, at which point a mass of dirt, dander, an pet droppings was discovered. Obviously, this was the cause of his continued respiratory distress. From the day that our air ducts were professionally cleaned out, my brother never had a harsh asthma attack again. My fantastic friend and I all slept more soundly.

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